Building a Data Science Expert Chatbot with Sentence Transformers

In this article, I'll dive into the world of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and specifically, I'll develop a Question Answering (QA) Chatbot that encapsulates your data science career, providing clear and concise answers to any career-oriented queries using Sentence Transformers. I'll guide you through the process of implementing a model that can effectively understand and respond to queries related to data science expertise and experience.

Here is a summary of majors steps:

Step 1: Define Your Goal

The first step in building a QA chatbot is to clearly define your goal. What type of questions will your chatbot answer? In our case, the chatbot will focus on answering queries related to data science professional experience.

Step 2: Gather Your Data

You need a dataset of data science-related questions and their corresponding answers. This could be sourced from various places like online forums, textbooks, or interviews with data science professionals. Make sure the data is structured such that each question-answer pair is clearly identifiable.

Step 3: Preprocess Your Data

Clean and preprocess your data. This step might involve tasks like tokenization, removing stop words and punctuation, lower casing, etc. It's important to handle missing data as well.

Step 4: Install Sentence Transformers

Install the Sentence Transformers library by running pip install sentence-transformers in your terminal. This library uses transformer models like BERT and generates semantically meaningful sentence embeddings which we can use to compare the semantic similarity between different sentences.

Step 5: Encode Questions with Sentence Transformers

Using Sentence Transformers, encode your questions into embeddings. An embedding is a vector representation of a question that captures its semantic meaning.

Step 6: Build a Similarity Function

To find the most appropriate answer to a user's query, you'll need a function that measures the similarity between the user's question and the questions in your database. Cosine similarity is a common choice for this.

Step 7: Answer User Queries

When a user asks a question, encode it into an embedding, then use the similarity function to find the most similar question in your database. Return the corresponding answer.

Step 8: Test and Refine Your Chatbot

Finally, test your chatbot with various questions related to data science and refine it based on its performance.

Building a QA chatbot can be an intricate process, but it's an excellent way to delve into the world of NLP and make information more accessible. Remember, the goal is to continually improve your chatbot based on user feedback and advancements in NLP technology. Happy coding!

Resume Bot!

The used technique allows fast inference on CPU (t3.micro)
